A Paper Bag Stocking Craft for the Holidays - Safari Ltd®

A Paper Bag Stocking Craft for the Holidays

Dec 9, 2019

I love making crafts with my kids at Christmas time! It is so much fun to decorate our house with their creations and the making brings us so much joy! This craft is a great one because it can work well for kids of many ages! My 19-month-old did this with me and she had a blast. We created functional stockings from recycled paper grocery bags and then stuffed them with some of her favorite Safari Ltd. friends! Toys that teach make the best stocking stuffers, don’t they?


Materials Needed: 

-1 large paper bag per stocking

-A pencil


-Hand-held hole puncher


-Paint, markers, washi tape, glitter glue or other fun items to decorate with!

-Your favorite Safari Ltd. figurines and TOOB creatures to put inside!


How To: 

Step 1: Draw your stocking shape on the outside of each paper bag with your pencil. To make it easier, you can even take down a real stocking (or grab a sock!) and trace it!

Step 2: Cut out the stocking shape. Recycle any leftover paper and make sure you have a back and front piece for each of your stockings. 

Step 3: Decorate! Let your kids use whatever art supplies they like best to decorate their stocking. We used paint sticks and washi tape on ours so that we didn’t have to wait for anything to dry. 


Step 4: Once your decoration is finished and dry, line up the front and back of your stockings and use a hole puncher to punch holes around the sides, about 1 inch apart. You do NOT need holes along the top of the stocking. 


Step 5: Cut a long piece of yarn (about a yard) and tie one end to the top hole on one side of your stocking. Thread the other end of the yarn around the back and up through the next pair of holes. Pull through. Repeat this all the way around the stocking to “sew” your two pieces together! When you reach the end, tie a knot and trim off the excess yarn. 

I hope you and your little ones find time to create together this holiday season! Merry Christmas!

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