Free Montessori Activity Printables (Life Cycles, Grammar Farm, & Continent Animal Sort) - Safari Ltd®

Free Montessori Activity Printables (Life Cycles, Grammar Farm, & Continent Animal Sort)

Apr 18, 2022
In 2022 we had the pleasure of being part of the Montessori Event. Our booth included some activity displays, and do to popular demand, we made the printables available as a free resource. We were thrilled to have met so many enthusiastic fans! Please follow the links below to download and print these free printables to use in your Montessori setting. 

Free Life Cycle Printables

Life Cycle Products:

Life Cycles


Free Grammar Farm Printables

Product Used in Grammar Farm Activity:

Free Printables for Animals of North and South America Continent Study Sort

Product Used in the Animals of N. & S. America Continent Study Sort:


Additional Products for various Continent Studies:

Larger Figurines:


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