JJ hopes you share her appreciation of the great outdoors! Is it possible to "guess the animal" or determine the number of "duckies" and "little chicks"? Check it out by listening to this appealing selection of songs!
This Tonie instructs children on:
Animals, Counting, Enjoying Fun Outside
1. The elderly MacDonald
3. Animal Dancing Song 2. 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive 3.
4. Marching Ants 5. Black Sheep Baa Baa
6. Mary Carried a Tiny Lamb
7. Bingo - My Dog Song
8. Identify the Animal Tune
9. The Song of the Dinosaurs
10. A Trio of Tiny Ducks
11. Little Chicks singing "Numbers Song"
12. Song with Musical Instruments
One, Two, Potato; Four, Humpty Dumpty
15. Assisting Melody
16. Daisy Bell
17. The song "Wash Your Hands"
18. Race for Balloon Boats
19. Rain, Rain, Go Away
20. The Song About Jobs and Careers
Run Time in Total: 58 Minutes