This Designer Toob includes a handful of important figures from the Revolutionary War that helped America win its independence. The flag bearer, musketeer, drummer boy, fifer, and George Washington figurine stand on their own in proud poses, ready to defend their country!
Characteristics: Professionally designed for lifelike realism, these miniatures are well suited for inclusion in war dioramas, as educational resources in or outside of a classroom, as gifts for a history buff, for imaginative play, and more. Follow General Washington into battle to fight for life and liberty!
Size and Color: 1.75 inches long, 1.75 inches wide, and 10.5 inches tall, this Designer Toob is a bit smaller than the size of a standard American ruler and contains 5 different figurines that range from 1.25 to 3.75 inches tall. Each miniature is dressed in the navy blue and light gray uniforms common to most soldiers in America’s standing army at the time. The Revolutionary War Continental Army Designer TOOB® is part of the TOOBS® collection.
All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.
5 pieces per TOOB®. Contents Cannot Be Purchased Individually.