Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®
Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®

Duckies - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®

$139.99 /
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These classic toy ducklings are cute as can be. Although baby ducks are typically yellow, duckies accentuate the cuteness with brighter colors. They represent our miniature version of the classic bath time toy.

  • History: The history of duckie toys begins in 1839, when Charles Goodyear accidentally transformed the sap of a South American tree into what we know as rubber. Some of this rubber was used to create toys, including toy ducks. They spread in popularity, but their big break came when a certain puppet sang a bathtime song about his duckie toy on a popular children's TV show.
  • Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos
  • Characteristics: Mini Duckies make perfect decorations or giveaways for baby showers, or they can be used as cupcake or treat toppers. They’re ideal for DIY projects as well.
  • Size: These tiny rubber duckie figures are about an inch long, or around nickel-sized.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free
  • 192 Pieces Per Bag. Only Available in Bulk Purchase.
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