Reticulated Giraffe Toy | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Reticulated Giraffe Toy | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Reticulated Giraffe Toy | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy
Reticulated Giraffe Toy

Reticulated Giraffe Toy

$27.89 /
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Ever wonder what eats the highest leaves on the trees in Africa? Why, that's the reticulated giraffe, the tallest land animal on planet Earth! Thanks to their enormously long necks, reticulated giraffes can grow up to 20 feet tall. The males even use their necks in mating rituals!

  • History: Due to their large size and massive field of view, reticulated giraffes are rarely preyed upon by anything other than large prides of lions. While giraffes in general are not threatened, unfortunately the reticulated giraffe sub-species is, and is designated as vulnerable due to illegal poaching for its hair and skin. While efforts have been made to protect these wonderful animals, their population numbers have not yet begun to rebound.
  • Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata
  • Characteristics: Reticulated giraffes are easily recognizable by their lengthy necks, brown spots, and skin-covered knobs on the top of their heads called “ossicones.” This expertly painted and professionally crafted reticulated giraffe toy figurine captures the physical appearance and calm demeanor of this beautifully unique mammal.
  • Size: 7 inches long and 9.5 inches tall, this reticulated giraffe toy is the length of a 16 oz. water bottle turned on its side and a bit shorter than height of a legal-sized piece of paper. Be careful that wherever you put this long-necked friend, it isn't too close to any potted plants or you might lose them!
  • The Reticulated Giraffe is part of the Wild Wildlife collection.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.
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